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Are you struggling to save battery life on Android device?
All of us hates frequent charging. Battery backup always matters now when we plan to buy our new smartphone.
Lots of Android smartphones are out there in the market with good battery backup but unfortunately, they don’t have endless battery life. So here are some simple hacks to save battery life on your Android devices.
So why we have to plug in our Android smartphones into power socket every day?
A number of factors have conspired to reduce gadget endurance over the past several years. Thinner designs with less room for batteries, larger and brighter screens, faster quad-core processors, more software that runs in the background, and power-hungry GPS radios all share responsibility. The move from 3G to 4G networks a few years ago—particularly of the LTE variety—has also taken its toll.

Save Battery Life On Android Devices :

Here are the golden tips to extend your Android handset’s battery life :

1. Black Wallpaper Save Battery Life

Yes, its strange but true,  black wallpaper can save battery life of your Android smartphone.
Why black wallpaper? — Because most smartphones in the market AMOLED screen which only illuminate the colored pixels. And black pixels are unlit, so the more black pixels you have, or the more darker pixels, the less power is needed to light them up.

2. Find Out Who Drains your Battery

This method is important, just find the culprit who is responsible for draining your battery.
You can do it by going to “Settings > Battery“.
This option will breakdown of what’s consuming your phone’s battery. Applications and features will display in a descending list of battery hogs. If you find an application which you barely use or a feature you never use, you’ll want to uninstall the app or turn off the feature.

3. Home Screen Widgets and Live Wallpaper are Bad

Lots of people are using home screen widgets on their smartphones, they think it will ease up their work. But it makes adverse effect on battery life. Since widgets function took more RAM and also background process will fasten draining of your battery. If you really want to save your battery life avoid adding widgets to the home screen.
Yes, live wallpapers give life to your smartphone home screen. But don’t forget it’s using a lot of battery life because live wallpapers make screen always active and this consumes battery.  So go for regular still images as wallpapers or as we already said use black wallpapers and save battery life.

4. Turn Off Automatic Brightness

Automatic Brightness — sounds useful feature, but don’t go for it.
Actually, automatic brightness is usually way brighter than you really need. It’s better to manually set the brightness to a level that is low but comfortable, and bump it up when necessary. This is one of the best ways to save battery life because the screens are one of the biggest battery suckers.

5. Control Apps Refresh Frequency

Next method is controlling refresh frequency of some apps. Apps checking for new emails and other data in the background updates frequently to fetch new information. This frequent background fetching of data will drain your battery fast.
So to disable this just go to “Settings > Accounts” and uncheck Auto-sync data to prevent your Android device from automatically syncing with your Google accounts (and other accounts) in the background. uncheck Auto-sync data to prevent your Android device from automatically syncing with your Google accounts (and other accounts) in the background. And also force off apps that work on background.

6. Shorter Screen Timeout Setting Save Battery Life

Set your display’s screen timeout to as short a time as is practical for you.
Just think, if your screen timeout is set to a minute, it’ll use four times more power than if it were set to 15 seconds. Studies report the average smartphone user turns their smartphone on 150 times a day, so the difference between a long screen timeout and short one soon adds up. Reducing it will help keep your battery running for longer.

7. Switch Off Vibrate

Switch off vibrate. Unless you really need that added awareness, turn off vibration alerts for incoming calls. It actually takes more power to vibrate your phone than it does to ring it.

8. Use Lock Screen Notifications or Widgets

Lock screen notifications or lock screen widgets can also help save battery life. This is because you can see your notifications at a glance without having to turn your whole screen on. This is especially useful if you get lots of notifications that aren’t worth following up on immediately.

9. You don’t Need to be Connected 24/7

You don’t have to be connected to internet 24/7, that will increase your data usage and also drains battery.So use internet when you needed, like turnoff it during your sleep hours and office hours.

10. Only Use Original Batteries

This one is important, use only original batteries – direct from the manufacturer. Saving a few bucks on a battery that might damage your beloved smartphone is a poor choice indeed, and may also deliver sub-standard battery performance.
These are some few tips to save battery life of your Android smartphone. If you know some other method to sava battery life do comment below.

What Is A VPN And Why is it So Important To Protect Your Privacy?

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology that improves your privacy and online security by a large scale. Whenever use a VPN, you get connected to a server run by a VPN Provider through an encrypted connection. In simple words, all the data transferred between you and the VPN is sophisticated so that no one else can read it in plain text. So in this way, your privacy is being improved with the use of VPN.

Because your transferred data is encrypted, all the activities are hidden from your Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Only your VPN Provider can view your internet activities and in most of the cases it doesn't. So VPNs should always be considered as the protection provider for your private information.

And in addition to that, as your data is encrypted through a VPN, it will prevent you from many forms of MITM (Man in the Middle) Attacks, in which attackers attempts to intercept the data which is being transferred between you and your Internet Provider. This becomes a major issue particularly when users are connected via Public Wi-Fi Hotspots so in this case even if the attacker uses an evil twin method which creates a bogus hotspot in which information is intercepted using a Packet Sniffer, your information will still be safe because all your data has been encrypted by the VPN.

Your IP address is completely hidden from the Internet because the VPN which you are using acts as a proxy server between your computer and the Internet. That's why attackers or malicious websites can only log the IP address of your VPN Server, not your real IP address which alone prevents you from lots of dangerous consequences. This makes it very difficult for the attackers to target against you and those were the primary reasons for why you should use a VPN.

How to Protect Your Privacy?

After reviewing lot of factors and features of so many VPNs, Pure VPN turned out to be the best by our experts. We found out this to be the most transparent and fastest among all the other VPNs.

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Why PureVPN and How does it work?

PureVPN operates a self-managed VPN network that currently stands at 750+ Servers in 140+ Countries. But is this enough to ensure complete security? That's why PureVPN has launched advanced features to add proactive, preventive and complete security. There are no third-parties involved and NO logs of your activities.

PureVPN encrypts your entire internet with up-to 256-bit high grade encryption to protect your data on your system/device from prying eyes on the go or at home.

Safeguard Your Emails & Instant Messages: PureVPN offers a shield for your emails to instant messages to personal photos, videos and other sensitive data, so you never have to worry about unauthorized access.

PureVPN prevents your ISP from inspecting your data including website URLs, videos, e-mails or downloads, etc. This keeps your privacy intact & also helps in bypassing your ISP's congested network.

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Programming is one of the most important skills of a hacker. When someone wants to become a hacker, he/she has to be a good programmer. But, what is the best programming language for hackers to begin with? Although, It is very important to have basic knowledge of every programming language still you have to master in a particular language. For that purpose, Python is the most popular programming language among hackers.
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Why is Python Programming Language very useful for Hackers?

When you start learning the core of hacking, Python is great. With a giant standard library and a packaging system that puts prebuilt tools and frameworks at your fingertips, it is often very easy to hack something into existence.

1. Python is an Object-Oriented programming

Object oriented programming approach is the most popular approach for software development. It uses classes and objects to create models based on the real world environment. Object-oriented Programming makes it easy to maintain and modify existing code as new objects are created inheriting characteristics from existing ones. This cuts down the development time considerably and makes adjusting the program much simpler.

2. Python has a Simple Structure

Python programs take much less time to develop. Its programs are typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java programs. This difference can be attributed to Python’s built-in high-level data types and its dynamic typing. For example, a Python programmer wastes no time declaring the types of arguments or variables. It supports a programming style that uses simple functions and variables without engaging in class definitions. Python programs follow simple English-like structure.
Python programmer can finish in two months what two C++ programmers can’t complete in a year.

3. Python is a strong scripting language

Python is a general-purpose programming language as well as a scripting language. It can be used for everything that is done in Java. Python and Java interpret during runtime. It allows a good developer to play with hardware as well like server configuration, change server mode, control server behavior etc.

4. It has Rich Library support

Python programming has many pre-built libraries that provide some powerful functionality. Python is a High-Level Language with 1,000 modules and much more are available in various other repositories.

5. Python for Web applications

Python is at home on the web, unlike a low-level language like C. Frameworks like Django, Pyramid, and Flask gives the ability to create real web applications that have the same power as the sites we use every day.

6. Supportive communityAs you step into the programming world, you’ll soon understand how vital support is, as the developer community is all about giving and receiving help. The larger a community, the more likely you’d get help and the more people will be building useful tools to ease the process of development. Python is having:

  • 5th Largest StackOverflow Community
  • 3rd Largest Meetup Community
  • 4th Most-Used Language at GitHub

After launching Windows 8/8.1/10, Microsoft eventually upgraded their built-in antivirus capability to detect malwares and spywares with improved Windows Defender tool.
Sadly Windows 7 users have to install third-party antivirus tools to keep their system safe. And Microsoft always recommends to install their antivirus — Microsoft Security Essentials.
Compared to Windows 10, Windows 7 still has the market share of the top operating systems in use — about 47% of people still use Windows 7 and majority of them had installed Microsoft Security Essential as their antivirus tool.
And according to the German security firm AV-Test, Microsoft Security Essentials is one of the worst antiviruses out there. AV-Test carried out a series of tests in Windows 7 with different antivirus tools and find out that Microsoft Antivirus is the worst performing antivirus along with Comodo’s.

AV-TEST says Microsoft’s security solution was worth just 13.5 points, while Comodo was once again at the bottom of the pack with only 12.5 points.
Microsoft Antivirus was rewarded with 5 points for protection, 4.5 points for performance and 4 points for usability. According to test results, Microsoft Antivirus can effect substantially in your system performance and it could also dramatically slow down a Windows 7 system.
The tests were performed in July and August, and Kaspersky’s antivirus products got the maximum 18 points, with 6 points for each stage, namely protection, performance, and usability.

The word hacker has many meanings and in the computer world it refers to “Someone who makes a device work in a way it is not expected to work”. In general, the word hacker is one of the most misunderstood words in English. People generally assume some kind of cyber criminal when they hear the word hacker. But actually, the word hacker has a lot more to do than what people generally assume it to be.
Hackers are generally categorized into three kinds. They are Black Hat, Grey Hat and White Hat.

Black Hat

These are the guys’ people think when they hear the word hacker. These are the Bad Guys, they use their power and intelligence to make money through illegal ways. Whenever they find a vulnerability, they misuse for their own benefit and do not let the owners know about the threat and vulnerability. They try to steal users passwords, emails and other personal details and sell them on Dark Web

Gray Hats

Gray hats fall in between the Black and White hat hackers. These are the guys who find vulnerabilities and disclose them to the government, intelligence agencies or sometimes military. The government then uses this information to hack into an agency or criminal group. They can be individuals or researchers in pursuit of bugs and flaws which might be useful for the government.

White Hats

White hat hackers are the good guys, they hack into a network or hack a software and then notify the respective owner about the bugs that need fixing. They help to build a better and a safer software possible. They make money in form of bounties which they receive whenever they notify a company about a certain vulnerability. The pay varies depending on the severity of the flaw found, however, they can make anywhere between $500 to more than $100,000.

Google in fight with Malicious extensions and toolbars with brand new antivirus for Chrome , but is it really good for already overeaten memory?
The days are far behind when our browsers used to be covered with malicious toolbars which were installed by certain installers unnecessarily. But, they are still malicious browser extensions in existence. Those malicious browser extensions can be found within even google’s chrome web store. Google recently announced that it will take steps to alert the users about malicious extensions and settings but it won’t be an easy task for even big tech giant.
The first of these changes quietly rolled out last month. Chrome can now detect when any extension or installer bring changes in browser settings without any user interaction, and will offer to revert the changes to user.

You’ve probably seen installers that ask to change your homepage or search engine (Bing by Microsoft used to do that similarly Yahoo and many unpopular ones), or ones that do it without your knowledge. Chrome will detect these changes, and the next time you open the browser, it will ask to restore the original settings, isn’t it cool so no more scrapping our heads no more useless extensions or search engines.

New Antivirus for Chrome – Chrome Cleanup

Secondly, Chrome on Windows will have some form of antivirus built-in, called Chrome Cleanup. Google says that the browser will prompt you when it finds ‘suspicious/malicious or unwanted programs’ on your PC, and give you the option to remove them completely and permanently.
Google worked with ESET (Antivirus Giant) to utilize its detection engine for this feature to work, but the company is quick to note that Chrome Cleanup is not a general-purpose antivirus. It sounds like this feature will replace the standalone Chrome Cleanup desktop program, which had a similar purpose.
Many users have mixed feelings about the new Chrome Cleanup feature because it could be Buggy. It could remove your precious cracks. I’m all for removing things from Chrome that the user didn’t install on purpose. But Chrome is already somewhat of a performance hog, especially when it comes to RAM usage, and scanning for malicious software will only make it worse.
Google also says Chrome Cleanup isn’t a general-purpose antivirus, which means users would still need separate software, leaving them with two programs constantly scanning their PC, which would further increase the RAM usage leaving us to curse chrome for doing it and google for ruining the RAM far more.
You can read Google’s blog post about these changes they have a full detailed article and with even more exciting features. Also, The Chrome Cleanup feature will not be included on Chrome for Mac and Linux and will be on Windows on Beta phase.

Recently the NCC Group, a security firm reveals the origins of most hacking operations and the estimated damages they cause to the global economy each year. From their study it clearly shows that cyber crimes are done by Developed and Developing nations. The US and China are positioned 1st and 2nd, respectively. Together these two countries are responsible for nearly 40% of the world’s hack attempts, costing the global economy over $44 billion each year.

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US and China are followed on the global list by Russia, Brazil, Italy, Netherlands, France, Denmark, Germany and India.
“Reading the papers each day, it’s easy to think of hacking as something that happens to us from afar; that we’re victims of foreign criminal gangs in developing countries. Yet hackers can be anywhere in the world, as our research illustrates, including on our own doorstep,” Rob Cotton, NCC Group’s chief executive said.
Day to day the cyber crime activities are increasing and this cannot be stopped at any cast. ðŸ˜‰


MX Player Pro

MX Player – The best way to enjoy your movies.

a) HARDWARE ACCELERATION – Hardware acceleration can be applied to more videos with the help of new HW+ decoder.

b) MULTI-CORE DECODING – MX Player is the first Android video player which supports multi-core decoding. Test result proved that dual-core device’s performance is up to 70% better than single-core devices.

c) PINCH TO ZOOM, ZOOM AND PAN – Easily zoom in and out by pinching and swiping across the screen. Zoom and Pan is also available by option.

d) SUBTITLE GESTURES – Scroll forward/backward to move to next/previous text, Up/down to move text up and down, Zoom in/out to change text size.

e) KIDS LOCK – Keep your kids entertained without having to worry that they can make calls or touch other apps. (plugin required)

Mod Info:
Languages: EN, RU, UK
Removed ads
removed: google, crashlytics, facebook, flurry , inmobi, zenjoy
Added AC3 / DTS support

Google released a keyboard app for the iPhone some months back called Gboard, and everyone was wondering if it would come to Android. Well, now it has as the v6.0 update to Google Keyboard. It's not only a name change, though. There are a few important new features, including a search shortcut and true multi-language support.
The update is still rolling out, and Google has not yet posted an official changelog. Here's what we've spotted so far.
UPDATE: Some other new stuff we’re finding…
  • You can permanently pin a number row.
  • “Gesture” typing has been renamed to “Glide” typing.
  • Pixel phones have 2 special themes with blue accents to match their UI, though that could have been there from day 1 and I just never noticed.
  • Again, you can enabled the G button to always show, or allow for there to be a menu with additional options.
  • Gboard should be able to “suggest” Search queries as you type, as well, though we have yet to get that to work.

Android is the most popular Mobile Operating System today. The reason is because of its Versatility, User Friendly and Easy to Use for all Users. There is not Doubt that Most People Prefer Android ahead of other Mobile Operating System.
But this Doesn’t Mean you will never Face any Problem or Error while using Android Smartphones. We all like to Install Different apps or Games in our android smartphones but Sometimes while installing you my be Displayed an Error which says“There is a Problem Parsing the Package

So if you face this kind of error while Installing any App or Game in your Android smartphone and want to get rid of it, then Do not worry because here in this article i am going to discuss About this error, The Reason and How to Fix it Etc.

You may get this Error Due to following Reasons:
  1. The Downloaded.apk file is corrupted or not fully downloaded.
  2. You might have turned off “Allow installation of apps from Unknown Sources”
  3. If the App is not Compatible with the Hardware or the Version of OS you are using.


        So Now that we know why There is a Problem Parsing the Package error occurs, we can now easily find a fix to this Problem


               We tend to download .APK files from Google Play store but sometimes We even download it from unknown sources and hence android don’t Allow us to install the app.

One of the most Common fix to this problem is to Turn on “Allow installation of apps from unknown Sources”. To do so Follow the Below Simple steps.

  • Go to your Device Setting Menu
  • Scroll down and Click on Applications
  • Now Check the Box of Unknown Sources to allow installation of non Market Applications.

      After Completing the Above Simple steps you may now try and install the app which was showing error.


         If the Above Fix do not work to fix the error then you may now try to inspect the apk file that you downloaded. Check it the file is Fully downloaded and is not Corrupted.
   If you have downloaded the apk file from any other place rather then Google play store then Make sure you download it from Google play store this time. Try to install it Now.


If you are still not able to Get rid of There is a Problem Parsing the Package Error then it clearly indicates that the file that you have downloaded is not Compatible with your Device hardware or Operating System.Try to Install it on another Android Device which has better hardware and Higher Version of Android Installed in it.
So these were Some of the Fixes that will help you to Tackle with the There is a Problem Parsing the Package Error Message. if these Methods works for you or you have any other solution to this Problem then Feel free to share it with Us in Comments below.

It's not the worst thing that can happen to your smartphone, but if you have a ton of duplicate contacts it can be really inconvenient when you try to communicate with your friends and family, probably sending a message or trying to reach an old number. Let alone trying to dial in with the help of Google's voice assistant. The good news is that these can be easily managed and organized.

From your phone

Android's stock phone app should be the first thing to try. Go to your Contacts -- we tried this on LG and Samsung phones, but depending on your phone's brand it can be a little different -- on the app, tap the Menu button > Manage Contacts > then select Merge. A screen with all repeated contacts will show up, so you can confirm which you want to merge one by one.

From your desktop browser / Google Contacts

A second method is made available from your Google Account. Log in to your Gmail Account and then go to your Contacts (or enter directly from this link). On the right sidebar there's a "Duplicates" option, which will show a list with all the candidates to be merged. Select "Merge" on each and you're done.

An additional word of caution

The two alternatives above are easy and accessible default options that Google provides to merge contacts. Unless you have thousands of contacts and hundreds of duplicates, they should serve you well. But an additional word of caution. There are a ton of "free" apps on the Play Store to merge contacts, however even if some of those promise to automatically merge with one click, we wouldn't compromise on security by letting a third-party ask for Google account credentials solely for this purpose.

You have a flash drive or probably an external hard drive that currently has FAT32 file system and you want to change it to NTFS, because FAT32 does not support handling large files (over 4GB) or it is just simply old for your taste but there is just one problem, you don't want to lose your saved data. This article is for you then as it explains exactly how you can achieve seamless transition from FAT to NTFS without involving any data loss.

While it is generally recommended to use the NTFS file system because of its stability, security and lesser defragmentation time, most of us end up using FAT32 because that is what most disks are preformatted with. Unless, we notice the “Not enough disk space error” despite disk space being available, we don't bother to change the file system. Moreover, most of us don't change it because of the risk of losing important data and lack of time (read laziness). As Microsoft was aware of this scenario, they added a capability in the command prompt to overcome this by executing a simple command. There are many software that support this too but the Convert command is one of the easiest ways to do so. Follow the steps below to know how:-

Important: While this method works perfectly, I would still advise you to backup your data in case anything goes wrong.

FAT 32 to NTFS Conversion Steps

1) Go to Computer, and note the name of the drive whose file system you wish to convert.
2) Click on Start.
3) Type cmd in the search bar if you use Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. If you use Windows XP, click on Run and then execute cmd
4) Execute "chkdsk h: /f " (without quotes) where H is the letter of the drive to undergo conversion. This checks the drive for errors and fixes them automatically.
5) Execute "Convert H: /FS:NTFS" (without quotes). H is again the letter of the drive to be converted.
6) The command prompt will start the conversion process and after a few minutes, CMD will say that conversion was successful.
7) You can check it in the properties of the drive through right click<Properties.

This command can also be used to convert FAT16 disks and works on Windows 10Windows 8Windows 8.1Windows 7Windows XP and Windows Vista. I converted my flash drive's file system using these steps and it worked flawlessly. It is interesting to note that this method cannot be used to reconvert NTFS file system back to FAT32. To reconvert back to FAT32, you will need to format the entire drive which will definitely cause data loss.

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